Handling Mistakes Training

Handling Mistakes in the Workplace Training

2KO Kenya offers leadership courses on handling mistakes in the workplace in Nairobi and other major cities around the country, depending on demand.


Our Leadership Course Listings for you


Taking corrective action with employees is a necessary and often difficult process for managers. Constructive feedback, along with the right process and a human relations approach, moves people from resistance to relating to their mistakes. Leaders maintain the dignity of others during times of conflict and change.


People don't change; people grow. They accept new ideas and coaching readily if they feel their ideas and opinions are considered. After completing this module, you can handle mistakes in a way that helps the individual maintain his or her dignity while offering ideas for problem resolution and improvement.


At the completion of this module, participants will be able to:

Effectively handle mistakes using a human relations approach

Refer to the problem or situation in a professional way to more consistently retain valuable people and team empowerment

Maintain control by managing R.A.M.E. (Reasonable, Allowable Margin of Error)